This easy and mouth watering Slow Cooker Chicken And Gravy will have your taste-buds dancing! 😉 Succulent, shredded chicken in a savory gravy served over fluffy mashed potatoes is the ultimate comfort food!



Are there any food smells that take you back in time to a favorite memory? Roasted chicken always does it for me! 🙂 Coming home from school as a starved, hormonal teenager and walking into our home with the smell of my mom’s delicious roasted chicken greeting me at the front door is one of my favorite memories! My mom always had a home cooked dinner waiting for us after school, or if we worked late, there was a plate on the stove-top for when we arrived home. 😉 We weren’t spoiled at all! Ha! She just loved on us girls so well and has given me my love for creating recipes and having fun in the kitchen!

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